Friday, February 19, 2010

Ayodhya Solution

Ayodhya has raised its head yet again thanks to the BJP. Congress is sure to condemn it. Both of them are just that - stupid (the political parties i mean). Ayodhya is a non-issue as far as i am concerned. They are just raised by these parties either to evoke emotions (of the wrong kind) or to employ the divide and rule principle.

Religion is one of the most important factors that divides people. It creates hatred, doubt and violence among groups. Irony is that, religion is also an important factor that unites people. It gives a sense of belongingness, peace and identity to people. But thanks to our thoughtlessness we just fight among ourselves in the name of religion.

Of all the religions in this world, India is unique in a way that each and every religion will find a representative in our country. Now this calls for more violence and hatred. 

Only one religion is present in India that actually brings people together. One religion that is superior to all other religions. One religion that causes common pain and common joy. One religion that unites people of our motherland beyond caste, age, economic well being and other social norms. I think we need to give this religion a chance to wash out the Ayodhya issue.

The religion i am talking about is CRICKET. The entire country is united when it comes to cricket. We forget everything (hatred included) when we watch cricket. Why not build a cricket stadium in the disputed land of Ayodhya and give peace and harmony a chance to thrive? 

Let us rejoice on that "disputed" land when India wins a match and sulk when we lose. At least we all will be united be it victory or defeat. Unity among ourselves is all that matters.

Jai Hind

P.S. This is entirely my opinion. I do not mean to hurt any religious sentiments of anyone.

1 comment:

Ray said...

what a useless issue it has become
after so many years of fighting, just put up a tree over there
it wont matter a bit to India's people
there are better things to do and graver issues to address.

Go die you politcians.