Sunday, June 7, 2009

Racism: Do we Indians deserve it?

The recent attacks on Indian students in Victoria, Australia have caused an outrage across Australia as well as India. Indian media has once again done a good job of sensationalizing a piece of news and has created good amount of awareness.

Before I proceed further, let me get this straight … I deeply condemn the attacks on my fellow countrymen and completely sympathize with the students and families who have suffered due to these attacks in Australia, be it racist or not . In fact, any sort of differentiation or hatred based on religion, caste, creed, economic or educational level, gender, region etc is deeply condemnable.

I do not claim to be an expert on the history of Indian culture and society, but if we look at our society, even today there is rampant distinction and division based on religion, caste, regionalism/ language, economic well being, gender etc.

This division can be seen in every sphere of our lives; be it our social or professional lives. We discriminate between rich and poor, between fair and dark, between male and female, between a Hindu and a Muslim, between a Hindi speaking and non-Hindi speaking and unconsciously between so many other things. Whether it is a Dalit being beaten up for drawing water from a well meant for so called “higher castes” or the more contemporary HR manager not hiring someone because he/ she is not from his/her region/ language. Whether it is some temples in South India not allowing lower caste people to enter or be it the stereotyping of people based on their caste. Whether it is giving preferential treatment to the rich over the poor or it is the hatred in the minds based on religion. The division and distinction is everywhere. Then why do we cry foul when someone else treats us in the same way we treat our own countrymen??

Isn’t it important to first attempt to clean our own home rather than point fingers at the world?

Jai Hind … Proud to be an Indian

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